Let's get you set up...

Step 1 – Schedule your Setup Call

Our founder, Daniel, sets up all accounts customized to the way you operate as part of your setup fee.

Choose a day and time using the calendar shown on the right to schedule a call.

He’ll go over everything else with you on the call to get the rest of your account set up and custom processes created.

Setup calls typically only take 15-20 minutes and completion of the account setup/creation of your processes typically only takes a day or two.

Want to log in and poke around? The remaining 2 steps below are optional (but helpful).

Step 2 (optional) – Sign in and create your account

Sign in to TTB Tamer (here’s the login page)

On the right side of the screen, enter your TTB registry number then click the blue ‘Create’ button.

  • Registry numbers look like REG-ST-#####

    • REG will be BWN for Wineries, DSP for Distilleries, and BR for Breweries

    • ST is your state (CO for Colorado, OH for Ohio, etc.)

    • ##### is a 5-digit number assigned to you

Click the blue ‘Create’ button to generate your account.

Can’t find your TTB registry number? No problem!

Just use your email address as your registry number to generate your account and we will be able to change it for you later (but we will eventually need the actual number…)

Step 3 (also optional) – Fill in your premises details

Click on the 2nd settings tab & enter in the fields for your

  • Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

  • Operating Business Name

  • Address

  • Phone Number

Click the blue ‘Next’ button in the bottom right or ‘Save Settings’ button in the upper right to save the settings.

You are now finished! Thanks!

Don’t worry about filling out any more settings tabs. We’ll get the rest of the info needed to complete setup during our scheduled call.

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Saved my ass…literally. We will continue using it and will tell others!

FAQ – Account Setup, Process Creation, & Training

What is included with the setup fee?

  • Initial online consultation with our Founder, Daniel, to learn about your premises and gather the information needed for the account setup.
  • Custom process creation, tailored specifically to how you operate.
  • Second online consultation with Daniel to review the custom processes, make any modifications/tweaks needed, and perform initial training on using the software.
  • An additional online training session, as needed, to use as a refresher for yourself or as a training for additional users.
  • Warm-fuzzy feelings knowing that everything is set up correctly and ready for you to start making entries and create reports.

How do I sign up for the initial consultation?

After you click above to start your free trial a welcome email will be sent to your email with a link to sign up for your initial consultation. Use that link to schedule a time that is good for you.

If you don’t see the welcome email (sent within 15 minutes of your signup) please check your spam folder or contact us to schedule.

Why are the setup costs different for Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries?

The fees reflect the typical amount of time required for us to get the accounts set up, processes created, and perform online training.

Breweries are relatively simple and Wineries are slightly more involved. Distilleries, because of the complexities of the reports needed, require quite a bit of additional time.

Is this meant to take the place of Customer Support?

No. Priority customer support is always included for all users regardless if we helped set up your account or not.

We signed up a while back but would like to add the Account Setup now to make sure we’re doing things correctly. Can we do that?

Absolutely. We would be happy to take a look at what you have set up on your own and offer feedback on what should be changed or done differently.

Just let us know you would like us to help out and we’ll be in touch.

Common Questions

Are features restricted in the free trial?

No. Trials are not limiated in functionality. You have access to the full version of the software.

Can we extend the trial if we haven’t had a chance to check it out in 30 days?

Absolutely. Just let us know and we’ll extend it for you.

Are you available if we have questions?

Most definietly. We are available by email, phone, and web conference to answer questions, get you set up, and running.

How many additional users  can we add?

As many as you need. It’s just $1/month per additional user.

I need help with my state reports. Can you help?

Yes, we can get most, if not all, information you need from TTB Tamer for your state report, we just won’t be able to create a PDF form like we can for the federal reports.

How do you handle my data?

Our app is hosted in Google datacenters, data is backed up nightly, and fully encrypted. You can also export everything as an excel file to back it up again locally on your own computer if you feel like it.

About TTB Tamer

Launched in 2013, TTB Tamer has been designed from the ground up for Craft Alcohol Producers, from their own feedback, and has been helping them shave days off the typical TTB reporting process ever since.

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